Not everyone who suffers from back pain needs surgery. And while many patients would be better off avoiding a procedure, surgery can help alleviate back pain in some cases.
Here’s a breakdown of how to tell if your back pain could be helped by surgery:
Patients who may need back surgery:
- Back pain is accompanied by weakness, numbness, paralysis in any area, loss of bladder or bowel function
- Back pain interferes with normal life
- Pain does not respond to conservative treatments (listed below)
Non-surgical treatments for back pain:
- Anti-inflammatory medicine (ask your doctor if it is safe for you)
- Ice
- Acupuncture
- Physical therapy
- Ultrasound
- Electrical stimulation
- Pain medicines
- Muscle relaxants
- Steroid injection
Questions to ask and facts to tell your doctor:
- Choose a surgeon and an anesthesiologist who have extensive experience with the procedure
- Tell them your allergies and medical conditions
- Get a full workup before surgery
- Ask how long the surgery will take
- Ask how long it will take to recover
- Ask what side effects to expect
- Ask when and who to call if you have questions or problems
- Get a clear list of things you should or should not do while healing
Photo Credit: Dmitriy Shironosov, Shutterstock