Street closures will go into effect Sunday morning for the 26.2-mile Los Angeles Marathon route that extends from Dodger Stadium to the Pacific coast in Santa Monica.
Street closures will begin near Dodger Stadium at about 3:15 a.m. in prepartion for the start of the first race at 6:55 a.m. Wheelchair competitors will be followed by hand cyclists at 7 a.m. before the 7:25 a.m. race for other participants.
All roads along the route -- runners will go through Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Santa Monica -- are expected to reopen at approximately 10:15 p.m. The streets will reopen by region as participants pass points on the course.
Click on the interactive map below or scroll down for a complete list of closures.
Marathon Street Closures and Approximate Times
3:15 a.m. to 10:20 a.m.
Elysian Park Av between Dodger Stadium and Sunset Bl
Sunset Bl / Cesar Chavez Av between Douglas St and Alameda St
(may be closed to Vignes St, if necessary)
Temple St between Alameda St and Glendale Bl
1st St between Alameda St and Hope St
Main St between 3rd St and Alameda St
Spring St between Cesar Chavez Av and 3rd St
Broadway between College St and 2nd St
Alpine St between Hill St and Alameda St
Ord St between Hill St and Alameda St
N. Spring St between College St and Cesar Chavez Av
Los Angeles between Temple St and 3rd St
Judge John Aiso St/San Pedro St between Temple St and 3rd St
Central Av between 1st St and 3rd St
2nd St between Alameda St and Broadway
Hill St between Ord St and 2nd St
Olive St between 2nd St and 1st St
Grand Av between 2nd St and Cesar Chavez Av
Figueroa St between 2nd St and Alpine St
Beaudry Av between 1st St and Sunset Bl
E. Edgeware Rd between Temple St and Bellevue Av
Bellevue Av between E. Edgeware Rd and Glendale Bl
Glendale Bl between Scott Av and Temple St
3:45 AM - Closures Begin
10:52 AM - Streets Reopen
Sunset Bl between Echo Park Av and Hollywood Bl
Alvarado St between Glendale Bl and Temple St
Santa Monica Bl between Hoover St and Sunset Bl
Griffith Park Bl between Effie St and Sunset Bl
Fountain Av between Myra Av and Virgil Av
Hillhurst Av / Virgil Av between Franklin Av and Fountain Av
(may be closed to Santa Monica Bl, if necessary)
Sunset Bl between Vermont Av and Virgil Av
3:55 a.m. to 11:24 a.m.
Hollywood Bl between Sunset Bl and La Brea Av
Vermont Av between Sunset Bl and Franklin Av
Normandie Av between Sunset Bl and Franklin Av
Western Av between Sunset Bl and Franklin Av
Wilton Pl between Sunset Bl and Franklin Av
Bronson Av between Sunset Bl and Franklin Av
Gower St between Sunset Bl and Franklin Av
Vine St between Sunset Bl and Franklin Av
Cahuenga Bl between Sunset Bl and Franklin Av
4:20 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Doheny Dr between Beverly Bl and Burton Way
3rd St between Robertson Bl and Doheny Dr
Burton Way between Robertson Bl and Doheny Dr
4:45 a.m. to 2:04 p.m.
Santa Monica Bl (north side of street - westbound direction only) between Moreno Dr and Sawtelle Bl
Beverly Glen Bl between Wilshire Bl and Santa Monica Bl
Westwood Bl between Wilshire Bl and Santa Monica Bl
Veteran Av between Wilshire Bl and Santa Monica Bl
Sepulveda Bl between Wilshire Bl and Santa Monica Bl (may be closed to Olympic Bl, if necessary)
Cotner Av between Santa Monica Bl and Ohio Av
Ohio Av between Veteran Av and Corinth Av
5 a.m. to 2:52 p.m.
San Vicente Bl between Wilshire Bl and Montana Av
San Vicente Bl (south side of street - eastbound direction only) between Montana Av and 26th St
Barrington Av between Sunset Bl and Wilshire Bl
Montana Av between Bundy Dr and Barrington Av
Kenter Av / Bundy Dr between Sunset Bl and Wilshire Bl