The Jenesse Center, a domestic violence shelter in Los Angeles, got a helping hand Thursday from one of the community's best known companies after Sit 'n Sleep donated 75 new Tempur-Pedic mattresses.
"Many times it's the first good night's sleep they've had in months," said Karen Earl, the director of the center, which houses 300 families. "Honestly, where I was I didn’t have a bed."
"Sarah" is one of 11,000 domestic violence victims in LA County.
She and 300 other women and children found sanctuary at the shelter in a secret location in South LA.
Along with brightly colored apartments, the shelter also includes a child care center, mental health care, education, and even a "style room" to prepare women to find jobs.
"The Jenesse Center has changed me tremendously," Sarah said. "I am a different person than when I first came here."
Experts say abused women on the run are most at-risk when they return home to get their belongings.
"We want to take away every excuse anybody can have," Earl said. "Just leave. We got stuff."
Sit 'n Sleep's iconic spokesman Larry Miller says he hopes his donation will inspire other companies to look for ways to give back.
"Maybe we can touch a few other business people," Miller said. "If everybody gives a little bit we’ll be much better off."