A pet rescue and retail store in Southern California that places dogs in their "forever homes" may be looking for a new home of its own.
The landlord of the Studio City property is attempting to evict Lucky Puppy Rescue and Retail from its current unit, the rescue's owner said.
"It’s not fair. It’s Lucky Puppy. We save dogs for goodness sake. They don't have to do it the way they’re doing it. They're just being nasty," owner Rachel Kennedy said.
The optical business that was operating next store has since moved out, complaining of a stench. The pet shelter claims they looked into the matter and had the building's air systems examined and cleaned. The health department also inspected the space twice.
"Both times we passed with flying colors, we got an A," Kennedy said.
The property owner has asked Lucky Puppy to leave the space, citing an addendum that the owner says is fraudulent. Kennedy maintains she never signed the document.
The landlord's attorney declined to comment on the pending eviction.
Kennedy told NBC4 that she didn’t think "he [the landlord] ever expected us to fight back and the community has helped us so much."
Lucky Puppy retained a lawyer and is "fighting back," she said. "We won our first round in court."
The shelter's supporters have started a petition and are raising money for their next battle in court.
Community members often stop by the Studio City shop simply to see the rescue dogs. A little girl named Sophie told NBC4 that she's heard the news about Lucky Puppy and "it makes me feel sad and disappointed."
Those who wish to donate to Lucky Puppy can do so at their Facebook page.
Photo Credit: KNBC-TV