A San Diego man was rushed to a nearby burn unit after his electronic cigarette exploded Saturday, Cal Fire officials confirmed.
The man was inside Stage Stop Liquor store in Ramona when his e-cigarette exploded.
The blast not only injured the man but also shattered glass inside the store according to a Cal Fire spokesperson.
He was taken to UCSD Burn Center. No word on his condition.
Cal Fire officials say they don't know what caused his e-cigarette to explode.
However this isn’t the first time an e-cigarette user has been injured in an explosion.
E-cigarettes heat liquid nicotine into inhalable vapor without the tar and other chemicals found in traditional cigarettes.
Two weeks ago, the FAA issued a safety bulletin suggesting airlines ban passengers from putting e-cigs in their checked baggage after two recent incidents where it's believed the devices sparked fires in the baggage holds of airplanes.
Part of the FAA statement blamed the potential risk from a growing trend of users using after-market batteries or other components on their heating elements. So the agency suggests passengers pack e-cigarettes in their carry-on baggage.
One local vape shop owner told NBC 7 he’s never seen the products injure anyone and often tests the electronic cigarettes for safety.
“I like to run my things at very extreme temperatures to make sure that like if something does go wrong we don't put it on the market,” said Marlow Younan, owner of Vape Lounge. “I've had zero problems and nothing but great reviews."
“I've never seen a situation like that where something has exploded I mean it is an electronic device. If you don't take care of your electronic devices things can happen,” said Younan.